Take 10 Minutes for Yourself and Be In the Now

It’s funny, it’s not until you take time out for yourself that you realise that you actually needed it.

That’s why it’s important that at sometime throughout your day that you take some time for yourself. Go somewhere quiet or take a walk and just sit somewhere that gives you a different perspective. I love sitting on the ground, it changes my whole point of view and reconnects me.

Today’s video is just an observation I made the other day after one of my crystal workshops.

No one is going to give you that time, your boss isn’t going to say Hey Bernie, why don’t you take 10 minutes and go outside and sit in the grass, I think you need it.

It would be great but no, the only one who is going to give you permission is you. Part of self love is giving yourself time and love in acknowledgement and appreciation of being you.

If you don’t fill yourself up with the small things, like a short walk in nature, a nice cup of coffee or even going to bed 20 minutes earlier to read a book, then eventually you are going to run out of steam and feel exhausted.

Energy doesn’t just come from what you eat or drink, it comes from somewhere inside you and that’s the place you need to keep feeling filled up with love and joy. That’s the place where in those 5  or 10 minutes you connect with the Inner You and do what that You would really want to do.

It’s time to get a little bit selfish because if you look after other people or are a people pleaser by nature I bet there are times when you just think, no one does that for me!

Well guess what? Others will treat you by how you treat yourself. So if you cannot take time out to give yourself some space and time to think, breathe deeply and just sit and be, you are saying to the Universe that you aren’t worthy.

Thinking that there’s not enough hours in the day is living in lack instead of Love.

Look at some of the most successful people on the planet who run Industries or are entrepeneurs or those that help some of the most needy people on the planet. They all have a daily regime of meditation, exercise or some other form of taking time out of their own lives and just spend it contemplating or appreciating what they have and where they are.

They express gratitude for what they have.

Are you ready to turn over a new leaf in your life and start Loving yourself a little bit more?

Great! Start giving yourself 10 minutes a day to get out of your head, be the observer of your surroundings for the next 2 weeks and see how things start to change.

much Love & Happyness

Bernie xxx

the little girl in her dress in the water I mentioned in the video <3
the little girl in her dress in the water I mentioned in the video ❤


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